For credit card companies, acquiring customers is big business, and most cards today offer some kind of incentive for running up the charges on your plastic. If you’re not careful, and use your card at will just to collect a few measly points, you could get stung. But by following a few simple rules, you can turn the tables on the credit cards companies and use that “rewards” card to your advantage.
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Most likely, your mailbox is full of pre-approved offers for new and exciting credit cards. In fact, in 2005 over 6 billion unsolicited credit card applications were mailed. The average person received approximately 72 offers. If you’re in the market for a new card, it’s important to weigh your options carefully. Most credit cards today offer some kind of rewards, but which one is right for you?
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As rewards cards have become more prevalent, credit card companies have come up with new incentives to make their cards more desirable to consumers. Many cards have a system that provides extra rewards points to customers who shop with certain vendors. Some will even offer coupons where you can save big shopping with certain companies while still earning extra points. It might take a little more effort, but it will certainly rack up the rewards points at a vigorous pace.
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